2022 is just around the corner. All of the advertising trends suggest that it will be a terrific year for voiceover! So if you've been thinking about doing this for a long time, now is the time to take some action.
Do plenty of research on the business, and then hire a reputable coach to guide you on this journey. First, you'll need to learn how to perform various commercial and narration scripts, and then you'll need a professionally produced demo. Don't take this on without any help. Any talent agent, producer, or casting director in this country will tell you the same thing.
Never attempt to produce your demo. Nothing aggravates a VO buyer and talent agent more than taking time out of their busy schedule to listen to a demo, only to hear that it was self-produced and not competitive. With talent agencies, you get one chance to make a good impression.
If you're passionate about making some noise in this business, take the necessary steps without shortcuts.
Happy Holidays!