Welcome to the era of the voiceover business, where you can record your voiceover demo from home while your coach directs you via zoom!
The pic above features UVT coach Garnet Williams directing Molly Miklos, one of our talented students, during her character/animation demo session. It all started with coaching upfront. Next, Garnet worked with Molly on creating original animated characters for her demo. This usually includes about 7-10 voices. In this case, Molly recorded each voice and then sent it to Garnet. Garnet listens to each clip multiple times so he can develop ideal scripts tailored around each voice and character. All the content for our students' demos is original and based on the student's skill set and range.
We always conduct a rehearsal session a day or two before the recording session. This way, the talent is well-rehearsed and ready to go by the start of their demo recording session. In addition, with the ability to use a platform like Zoom or Source Connect, the talent no longer has to travel to a studio. This saves time because we only have two schedules to work with—the student and ours.
If the student records from their home studio setup, they are responsible for recording and delivering the audio files to me. I am the demo producer of the UVT coaching team. Jan Anderson conducts our home studio setup session. He makes sure the student has the proper recording gear and well-treated space. We need the cleanest audio possible. This means eliminating large percentages of room noise or bounce.
Once the demo recording files are delivered, I start the production process. It's a meticulous process because I want each clip on a commercial demo to sound like an actual commercial. If it's a character clip, I want it to sound like you're watching a cartoon or playing an actual video game.
If you're interested in coaching with the UVT coaching team and getting a demo created, please visit the coaching programs page of our website.