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UVT Blog

Sorry But We're Already Using a P2P Service!

When you start marketing your voiceover business, you will occasionally run into some prospective clients who will turn you away because they are already using a P2P audition service. Don't shake your head and hang up your phone. I have a strategy that works!

When a potential client tells me no thank you because they're already using a P2P service, here's what I do; I ask for 10 minutes of their time so I have the chance to build up a rapport. Then, I explain to them how it's easier to go through one talent, than 200,000 talents on a P2P site—everything from payment to turnaround time.

If they don't want to use my voice, I tell them I can find professional talents who will accommodate them! Sometimes you have to be more than just a voice talent. You have to be a marketing company! Just because the client wants to use other voices doesn't mean you've lost the client. Manage the project for them and find other talents for the client. You can always take a commission much as a talent agent does.

Towards the middle of the phone call, I spend ample time asking questions about their business. Getting engaged in a client's business is important. Make the phone call about them! All of this works for me consistently. In the end, you'll have a chance to earn this prospective client's business, even if they weren't interested initially. Trust me. This method works!

1 Comment

Johnny George
Johnny George
Oct 21, 2022

Good advice TD. I too employ that method and it DOES work.

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