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UVT Blog

Keep Up The Great Work, AI VO Services!

Ah yes. AI VO services. Alarmists have been spreading fear for years over the internet due to these services. However, I am here to tell you that I am actually grateful for them. In the past two years, I've been hired by at least a dozen brand-new clients due to unsatisfactory service quality. Nearly all of them said the VO sounded robotic and when they wanted changes, they were screwed! Many of them complained about the customer service of these companies as well.

So while AI VO services may be drawing some of our potential clients to their services instead of ours, it can also work to our advantage. An AI voice can't make any changes in the performance. Think about how vital personable customer service is to a long-term client. AI services can't provide that.

One of my clients said the product was subpar and took forever. When he received the file, he couldn't believe how stale and robotic it was. He also complained about the audio sounding tinny! So, he came to me for a REAL human voiceover! And I am getting this a lot! Yes, the voices from these services sound more natural these days but the authenticity still isn't there.

I understand how some talents are anxious about these services, but I am looking at it as a lead generator! I've also contacted customers using their services on their Facebook Ads' comment threads. I've been hired five times because of this. I don't PM the customer. Instead, I write a comment under THEIR comment. It works! Could I end up losing an eLearning client to one of these services? Sure! But the same thing could happen with a P2P audition site. They could end up using a service like that for their next project. Competition for a client has been a standard business practice for a long time and just like when P2P sites and Fiverr came around, AI VO services are nothing more than just another service we have to compete with. This is why customer service has never been more critical. You might lose a client to an AI VO service but there is also a decent chance they will return to you!

The bottom line is the hyperbole online regarding these services is a distraction. It's always wise to be aware of our competition and what is out there but getting too sucked into the sensationalism of this subject on blogs and in other VO forums can taint your focus! Don't sweat about things you have no control over. Put your focus and attention on your business and become the best voice actor you can be.

Like me, you may get even MORE work due to these AI voice companies. Seven of the twelve clients who hired me due to not being satisfied with an AI service are now regular clients! So hey, keep up the great work AI VO services!


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