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UVT Blog

How The UVT Coaching Team Came Together

Several years ago, my workload became too much to handle. I was juggling between voiceover bookings and coaching newcomers. I needed some help pronto! I had to figure out how to keep my clients happy and teach newcomers. My love of teaching goes back to my theater days when I directed several plays. I was determined to find a way to keep coaching new talents while still doing voiceovers for my clients. Plus, I wanted to bring in a team so that my students would not only learn from experienced voice actors but also get a different perspective from each of us.

Rob Marley, a veteran voice actor and friend stepped in to help with coaching sessions. Rob and I share the same music tastes and enjoy yapping about all things 70s and 80s rock! Rob does an excellent job with our students and excels at script technique and performance coaching. He also directs a damn good demo session. Rob doesn't settle for mediocrity. He will get as many takes as possible until he hears the right one.

Trish Basanyi and I were the best of VO friends going back to 2007! We met when voice actors connected on various social media platforms like Voiceover Universe. This was before Facebook was even a thing! We attended and presented at several voiceover conferences. Trish is a marketing mastermind and conducts a game-changing voiceover marketing session. She is also an outstanding script performance coach.

Jan Anderson and I met back in 2010. We share the same twisted sense of humor and I am still trying to figure out if that is a good thing. Haha! Jan brings a ton of experience to the UVT coaching team. He's the audio engineer of our staff and works with students on setting up their home recording studio. Jan also conducts a stellar script performance session.

Garnet Williams wears many hats. He can write demo scripts, coach students in every genre, including animation and direct a killer demo session. In addition, garnet has decades of experience doing voiceovers and teaching at a local college. I met Garnet at FaffCon, a smaller and more intimate voiceover conference that only allowed a maximum of 100 attendees. We became fast friends and shared a lot in common, from movies to music.

That leaves me, Terry Daniel. I got my start in radio and theater. When corporations started taking the fun out of radio, I felt it was time to move on. I booked my first voiceover back in 1989 for a breakfast chain called "Country Kitchen." I was hungry for more! Even though I had jobs in advertising and radio, voice acting was my passion and I stuck with it for several years until I had the clientele to leave my other jobs behind and focus on voiceovers. I am the demo producer of the UVT coaching team. I still do plenty of script performance coaching but as our company grows, I am leaving the coaching up to the rest of the staff and focusing more on demo production. Producing demos is meticulous and time-consuming, but I love it!

What makes the UVT coaching team stand out from our competitors? We work incredibly well as a team. Like a tight rock band! We all have decades of experience in voiceovers, which is still how we make most of our living. Newcomers who work with us get real-time mentorship from coaches who are still recording and producing voiceovers weekly. You don't always get this when you hire a voiceover coaching company. While many coaches can teach a good class, not all have booking experience. Every coach on the UVT team brings a different perspective to their sessions. Our students get the best out of our programs when they get a good dose of all of us!

We are one of the country's most respected voiceover coaching companies because we never guarantee success and the only promise we make is that as a team, we will do our very best to give the talent the best chance to succeed. We don’t discuss money and we certainly don’t make outlandish income guarantees. We provide the tools and guidance. It’s up to the talent to use the tools and put in the work; we’re here to support them. We don’t vanish once their program has been completed. We provide a lifetime of customer service and are always available to help with an audition, tech issue, or advice.

If you're interested in coaching with us, visit the coaching programs page of this website. We look forward to hearing from you!


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