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UVT Blog

Fast Food Voice Hobbyists are not your Competition

Do you think a four-star restaurant chef panicked over the new McDonald’s value menu? Can you picture them in the kitchen sweating bullets, worrying about loyal customers abandoning their Filet Mignon for McDonald’s Filet-O-Fish? Of course not! The odds of something like this happening are ridiculously low. But why is that the case?

The bottom line is that a four-star restaurant chef knows that fast food is nowhere near their radar. They might not have any $5 value menus or Buy One-Get One Free coupons for their menu items, but they know they don’t need them either. The quality of their food and customer service speaks for itself. Customers looking for that quality realize they will have to pay a lot more for it than in a McDonald’s drive-thru.

You might be thinking, “Why is Terry talking about food? Is he craving a burger or something?” So let me get to the point before you start thinking about your next meal. If high-quality restaurant chefs aren't worried about low-quality fast food, why should a high-quality voiceover professional worry about low-quality Fiverr talents?

Fast-food customers are not concerned about quality, so they will never expect to receive Filet Mignon for a Filet-o-Fish price. The same principle is true for VO customers. If they look for a quality VO professional who can deliver quality work, they will rarely look for a cheap deal to save a few bucks. They understand that quality professionals have quality rates for their services – and the great ones never budge on their prices.

Stop trying to figure out a way to compete with those “fast food” voice talents. They are not your competition. Instead, continue to cook up those quality projects in your VO “kitchen” for your clients, because the ones that you want are the ones who will pay your rates without hesitation. Of course, the average customer would think twice before taking advantage of a 99 cent deal for Filet Mignon, right? But unfortunately, the same red flags wave in front of quality VO clients when they see deals for low-price VO deals.

Trust in yourself and your services. There is no need to worry about who’s heading towards the Fiverr drive-thru. Instead, focus on clients looking for the long-haul journey of quality voiceover services. These clients will stick around and help you build your business – not the bargain bin customers that choose price over performance.


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