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UVT Blog

Don't Slip On The Snake Oil

When you're searching for a reputable voiceover coach, avoid companies who guarantee success and use buzzwords and phrases like "voiceover secrets exposed" or "get paid to talk." Get paid to talk? Is that all voice acting is? In my opinion, this phrase is an insult to our profession. And VO secrets exposed? Here's the real secret; If you want to have a chance to succeed as a voice actor, it's going to take ambition, dedication, several months of coaching and plenty of perseverance. It makes my skin crawl when charlatans attempt to make our profession seem like you can learn everything in a weekend seminar. You can't.

Voiceover training is an investment and one that is well worth it if you find the right coaching team who will work with you at your own speed and never throw you in a recording studio to record a demo before you're ready. The snake oil is pretty slippery on social media and the rest of the Internet, so spend ample time researching both the business and coaching companies.

In this day and age of social media, I see predatorial charlatans spewing misinformation and luring vulnerable talents into their sketchy programs. Our team at UVT Coaching has over 20 years of actual VO experience. Even if you don't choose to work with us, I strongly recommend working with coaches who are currently doing voiceovers successfully full-time. This way, you get real-business experience from coaches working with agents and clients daily. Do you want to learn from someone like this or someone who booked one gig 20-years ago and then decided to teach for money?

There are plenty of excellent coaching companies that do a terrific job, but I am proud of our brand here at UVT Coaching. We don't have one coach on our staff who isn't currently doing voiceovers successfully full-time and we will work with you until you're ready to record a professional demo. We also offer plenty of support when the training program is over. I find this to be very important! We want to give our students the proper tools and the best chance to succeed.


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